Git Management


"We have developed a robust Bitbucket plugin designed to streamline and enhance the development workflow by enforcing a series of checks through repository hooks. This plugin ensures the integrity of commits by requiring a matching Jira issue in the commit message, author name validation, and matching author and committer names and emails. Furthermore, it allows for the specification of regular expressions for author emails and branch names, providing flexibility in customizing the validation criteria.

The plugin incorporates a powerful feature to exclude merge commits, promoting a cleaner commit history. By implementing these checks, the plugin not only enhances the code quality but also enforces a higher standard for commit messages and authorship details.

In addition to these checks, the plugin introduces an innovative approach to pull request management. It enforces a condition to queue pull requests, ensuring a sequential and controlled merge process. This feature enhances collaboration by preventing concurrent merges, reducing the risk of conflicts, and maintaining a more structured and traceable development history.

The comprehensive nature of this Bitbucket plugin makes it an indispensable tool for development teams seeking to enforce best practices, maintain a clean commit history, and optimize their pull request workflow. By combining these features, the plugin contributes to a more efficient and organized development process within the Bitbucket environment."


1. Commit Controls

1.1. Require Matching Jira Issue in Commit Message

1.2. Author Name Checkers

1.3. Require Matching Author Name in Bitbucket

1.4. Require Matching Committer Name

1.5. Require Matching Author Email

1.6. Require Matching Author Email in Bitbucket

1.7. Require Matching Committer Email

1.8. Author Email Regexp

2. Other Controls

2.1. Branch Name Regexp

2.2. Exclude Merge Commits

3. Pull Request Control

2. Accessing the Git Management Hook: 

As seen in the hook above, there are many control structures, and whichever controls you want are selected, messages are added and the hook is enabled. If we assume that we have selected all of them and they are all incorrect and run them, it will give a result as seen in the picture below.

3. Accessing the Pull Request Page: 

We added "Check Pull Request" modal dialog to set condition for pull requests.

When you click "Check Pull Request" and you will be greeted with an interface similar to the image below: 

You can create some condition for your pull requests.

First, you will select a pull request, then you will set whether this selected pull request should be merged before or after the current request. After setting it, when you go to the pull request and if a condition is set, you will see a warning message as shown in the picture.