User Delegation and Leave Management


2. Accessing the Admin Dashboard Page: 

Example 1: Scheme name: Make software manager, From user: johndoe, Target user: janedoe

In this example, using the "Make software manager" scheme, the roles, groups, and issues of the user johndoehave been transferred to the user janedoe.

Example 2: Scheme name: Developer start rule, From user: janedoe, Target user: johndoe

In this example, using the "Developer start rule" scheme, the roles, groups, and issues of the user lionelmessihave been transferred to the user          JohnDoe.

Example 1: Scheme name: Developer leave rule, From user: johndoe, Target user: janedoe

In this example, using the "Developer leave rule" scheme, the roles, groups, and issues of the user JohnDoe have been transferred to the user      lionelmessi.

And once you have completed the saving process, you can display a summary on the page indicating the selected issue filters, roles, or groups. 

The "issue filters," "roles," and "groups" are dropdowns, and if desired, you can click on the buttons to view their contents and remove the ones you want (by default, all options are selected). You can write a jql query for searcing.

Issue Types




3. Accessing the History Dashboard Page: 

3. Accessing the History Dashboard Page: 

At any time, you can perform the undo operation or download the report for any item you have selected from the list. 

roll back


4. Delegate User Post Function

Certainly! Here's a detailed and well-explained guide on how to use the "Delegate User Post Function" feature in Atlassian Jira:


What is Delegate User Post Function and How to Use It in Atlassian Jira


The Delegate User Post Function in Atlassian Jira is a powerful tool that allows you to automate specific actions at the completion of a workflow step. This function is particularly valuable for transferring actions performed by one user (the "from user") to another user (the "target user") based on a selected scheme. Let's delve into a comprehensive explanation of how to utilize this post function effectively:


1. Adding a Post Function: After editing your workflow in Jira, you can automate actions by adding a "Delegate User Post Function." To do this, click on "Add post function" within the workflow configuration.

2. Filling out the Form: Upon selecting "Delegate User Post Function," a form will appear. In this form, you'll need to provide the following details:

   - Scheme: Choose a scheme that defines how the action will be configured. This scheme contains rules and settings that dictate how the process will operate.

   - From User: Select the user who initiates the action (the "from user"). This represents the source of the action.

   - Target User: Choose the user to whom the outcome of the action will be assigned (the "target user"). This is the intended recipient of the action.

   - Run As User: This option allows you to specify which user will execute the action. By default, you may choose to select this value, but you can also assign it to a custom user. If left unselected, the current user will be used for the action.


3. Selecting From User and Target User: After configuring the scheme and other settings, you'll need to select the user initiating the action (from user) and the user to whom the action's outcome will be assigned (target user).


4. Applying and Saving the Workflow: Once you've completed these settings, make sure to save your workflow. Now, when the specified transition or workflow step is executed, actions initiated by the "from user" will be associated with the "target user." This applies to issues, groups, roles, and more.

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Delegate User Post Function to customize your workflows and automate specific actions. This feature can enhance the efficiency of your workflows and streamline the transfer of actions between designated users.

And finally, when the post function is triggered, the result will be written as a comment under the current issue.

5. Test Run